Welcome To Family Crest Jewellery In 2025 

An affordable laser crest engraving service including  heavyweight hand cast signet rings direct from the manufacturer Me!
If however you would like to send in your own signet ring, pendant or cufflinks, VISIT sealengraver.co.uk

Heavyweight Handmade Signet Rings, Cufflinks & Pendants Deep Reverse Crest Laser Engraving, initials monograms & masonic
I do not sell lighter weight signet rings like other suppliers my heavyweights are VAT free and roughly the same price as other suppliers lighter thinner rings

Our speciality is extra heavyweight signet rings deep reverse crest seal engraved , initials & monograms

Exceptional quality sterling silver, 9ct and 18ct gold heavyweight signet rings all hand made in our own home workshop.

Deep reverse crest seal style engraving at a more affordable price than the majority of traditional hand engraved rings

Gold an average turnaround time of 4 weeks purely determined by the number of orders received each week

Gold , if required more urgently I have an arrangement with a Birmingham based casting company to supply ready hallmarked

Sterling silver I have a considerable stock of OVAL ready hallmarked blanks in stock , in assorted head and finger sizes

This allows an average turnaround of 2 weeks , can be provided sooner but will incur a surcharge


Technology Has Allowed Me To Produce superior quality  Signet Rings often Without Joins

On the premises Deep Reverse Crest Seal Style Engraving Using A Yag Galvo Fiber Laser

Yag Galvo Fiber Engraving Is Unlike Any Other Machine Engraving , Deeper & Cleaner But More Time Consuming

In 2014 when heraldry became the height of fashion once again , I invested over £30,000 in new machinery and pioneered the developement of reverse crest seal engraving using yag galvo fiber laser engraving machines, making crest engraving affordable for all. I now also supply a 3 week trade laser crest engraving service.

If you prefer to pay the extra for a hand engraving then anticipate your engraver will also prefer to supply you a more expensive die stamped signet ring

The combined extra cost in 9ct for a like for like weight and quality is likely to be in excess of £400.00 or in silver between £200.00 and £300.00 extra.


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